Building from our conversation in class last Tuesday, I thought I'd share a video that sums up some of what we were saying. While I am very in touch with the realities of living with and working with horses (Obe makes sure I am with every ride!), there is still something undeniable about the emotional power of horses, especially in the bond between horses and women. I'm still working at fleshing out a complete theory of this, but the song in the video does a very good job at summarizing it in one sentence, "They don't care that I'm broken." Don't worry, this isn't going to be a therapy session, but I KNOW that there are those of you who will connect with this video. So, watch and listen and remember why we do this.
Thanks for the cry!
One of the (many) reasons I quit riding as a teenager was because I was in a very pondering phase where I questioned everything. I could not figure out what the point of riding horses was (just being fun did not seem good enough at that time). When I started again in college I realized that every week when I went for a lesson I felt so good inside. "The point" became less important and the passion grew. It is hard to explain, but it is very important, at least to me it is!