Thursday, January 21, 2010

A new class begins - oh, the possibilities!

I love beginnings. I love starting a new novel, a new movie, a new video game, a new day. This class is no exception! I'm excited about starting a new class, one that hasn't been taught before. It's fresh ground, wild terrain just waiting to be tamed by the thoughtful horsepeople we are!

I'm also excited about having back students that have taken the first Equine Management course. I think you all will enjoy the depth that we'll encounter this time around. The first course was about a mile wide and an inch deep. I tried to expose everyone to as many facets of the horse care, riding, and the horse industry as possible. The only problem with such a wide range of topics is that we weren't able to just sit with one issue for very long. This class will be a bit different. Each week is devoted to one topic - and each week will include not only my own lectures, but you are expected to research and present information each week. It's an interactive way to dive into the material and learn as much as you possibly can in the time we have.

So - welcome to a new beginning! It's going to be fun and interesting and maybe even a little bit of hard work. But, we'll all come out on the other end all the better for it!


  1. Hey Everyone
    Thought you might think this was funny--just cut and paste the following site---forgive me Jennifer if I've already sent this to you--Dementia is hard to live with!

    PS I don't know why there are 2 pictures of me under followers---if anyone knows hoe could you delete one thanks

  2. Never mind the other picture mysteriously disappeared
